Internet Safety
Keeping children safe, both in the real-world and virtual world, is at the core of everything we do. E-Safety is taught throughout out the year through our Computing and PSHE curriculums. Furthermore we dedicate additional time at the start of every year to reinforce it's improtance; this is done using Google's Interland.
Interland encourages children to stay safe online by teaching them to be:
- Smart
- Alert
- Strong
- Kind
- Brave
Click here to complete the Legends Family Adventure.
Key Websites for Parents and Carers
The Department for Education has updated its information for parents and carers to include additional resources to support them in keeping their children safe online. The links include:
Thinkuknow Internet matters Parent info
Digital Leaders
Our Year 6 Digital Leaders play an important part of our efforts to keep children safe in school. As well as keeping staff up to date on the latest apps children are accessing, they lead assemblies and assist with the running of assemblies across the year.
Further Guidance and Support
Please click on the links below for further guidance and support
Internet Matters On-Line Safety Guide
Belong | Believe | Achieve