School Improvement Plan
The Federation of Caddington and Slip End Village Schools - SIP 2023
SIP Priorities 2023 - 2024
Leadership and Management
- For staff and Governors to receive targeted and relevant training to improve their ability to fulfil their role and to support continuous professional development
- To instil a culture of coaching, mentoring, support and reward to ensure that staff feel listened to, valued and challenged
- To ensure consistent and robust systems are in place to support the successful running of both schools (including health & safety; safeguarding; HR)
- To research and plan to improve future financial viability of the federation
- To increase pupil numbers through a targeted marketing strategy and improved online presence
- To ensure that a rigorous monitoring programme drives an improvement in standards
Quality of Education
- To refine the curriculum to ensure it is fit for purpose, and effectively sequenced and planned to enable pupils to 'know more, remember more, do more'
- For high expectations for all to drive an improvement in the quality of teaching and for the pace of learning to enable rapid progress
- For assessment systems to be used effectively to inform teaching and learning without creating unnecessary workload for staff
- For the importance of early reading to be embedded across all key stages and evident in academic outcomes
- For there to be a common approach to the teaching of writing to ensure consistency
Behaviours and Attitudes - Caddington
- For attendance to be at least in line with the national average and for punctuality to improve
- To promote consistently high standards of pupil behaviour, attitude to learning and conduct
Behaviours and Attitudes - Slip End
- For all pupils to be actively engaged in their learning, all the time
- For pupils to reflect on their own behaviours, self-regulate and model pro-social choices
Personal Development
- For a wide and varied extra-curricular offer to enable pupils to discover and develop skills and talents and to have new experiences
- For deliberate strategies to support physical and mental health to improve engagement in learning and self-regulation
- For pupils to be able to access leadership opportunities across different fields to enable them to flourish alongside their academic learning
Early Years
- To ensure that the Early Years curriculum is relevant and ambitious and prepares all groups of pupils effectively to be able to succeed in key stage 1
- For the physical environment to be fit for purpose, appropriate for all and reflect the current learning
- To implement the new phonics scheme swiftly and effectively