At Caddington Village School we value Modern Foreign Languages. We are Linguists.
Children at Caddington Village School learn to speak French where they will continue to learn that language when they move onto secondary education. By studying a foreign language, children are given the opportunity not only to learn about other cultures but, more importantly, to communicate with others too. Children at Caddington Village School have the privilege to experience a new culture through extra-curricular trips to France as well as have foreign visitors to the school as part of an exchange program.
Children are taught through engaging and interactive lessons how to communicate practically using the language they are learning. They will be able to ask and answer questions, express opinions and respond to other’s; seek clarification and help; speak in sentences using familiar vocabulary. Children will build onto their understanding of basic grammar to the language to understand feminine, masculine and neutral forms and the conjugation of high-frequency verbs; key features and patterns of the language and how to apply these to build simple sentences all the way to extended pieces of writing in Year 6.
It is our intent at our school to provide all of our children with a high-quality education in Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), which develops their love of learning about other languages and widens their knowledge of the world. Our current MFL taught is French, however we strive to provide children with opportunities to experience a range of other languages and we encourage children to make connections to their own life experiences such as places they have travelled or their own heritage. Language lessons are engaging and active where children are exposed to videos, songs, written texts, games and roleplays. They are accessible and fun and all children should feel successful in their ability to communicate in another language. It is our intention to ensure that by the end of our children’s primary education, they have acquired an understanding of both spoken and written French, gained confidence to speak in French with others and know how important other languages can be in their future. Children leaving our setting should have the foundations to build upon their language learning in KS3.
At Caddington and Slip End Village Schools we use Language Angel planning which is in line with the National Curriculum objectives. In Key Stage 2 French is taught weekly as an explicit lesson. Language Angel provides lessons, games, vocabulary building as well as opportunities to practise pronunciation and conversation skills. Lessons are designed so children build upon previous learning through weekly repetition of skills i.e. vocabulary and pronunciation. Children develop their love of language through direct teacher input, repetitive practise and verbal feedback throughout the lessons. At Caddington and Slip End school children in Years 3-6 are offered an extra-curricular opportunity to go to France where they can put their skills to use and experience the French culture first hand. Children also communicate with and host our partner school in Germany. Our longstanding exchange offers children to visit Germany as well as meeting and working with the German children when they stay at our schools.
In French, assessment takes place by:
• Use of the Depth of Learning platform to identify the objectives being met by pupils
• Whole Class Feedback sheets allow for on the spot assessment for learning and observations of skill progression
• Pupil voice is used to assess what the pupils know and their understanding of key vocabulary learnt throughout their learning journey
• Recordings of performances are completed to play back to the children; allowing them to appraise and critique their work
As a result of our MFL curriculum, our children will have a wider knowledge of the world and the confidence and skills to be able to communicate.
The children can talk about themselves in French and be able to have short conversations with others.
The children will be able to understand basic instructions and simple questions they are asked.
Repetitive practice and retrieval practice are important strategies used in our language learning.
The rational is that children begin learning French in Year 3 starting with the basics such as letters and sound recognition and then move on to simple vocabulary and continue building up to phrases. Finally, in Year 6 consolidating learning where children will be able to have a prolonged conversation and read short extracts and write independently.
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